SUREL, OOO, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
13th International Exhibition Polyurethanex 2022 Exhibitor
March 29 - 31, 2022 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
SUREL is a company specializing in the field of development and production of polyurethanes and siloxanes (silicones).
- Polyurethane prepolymers for the production of hot-cast polyurethane elastomers with properties as high mechanical properties, abrasion resistance, hydrolytic stability, oil resistance, resistance to high and low temperatures and etc.
- Hardeners for polyurethane prepolymers
- Polyurethanes compositions for the production of cold-cast polyurethane elastomers
- Polyurethanes coatings, adhesives
- Cast polyurethane products
- Siloxane sealants, potting and encapsulating compositions for electronics and other applications
We solve problems in various areas of elastomer application thanks to our qualified specialists, a wide range of products, technical capabilities and an individual approach to each client.
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