Polyurethanex - 2009
International Specialized Exhibition
Dates: February 25 - 27, 2009.
Pavilion 1, Hall 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia.
Exhibition Company "Mir-Expo".
Information Report on the activity at the International Specialized Exhibition “Polyurethanex - 2009”:
The International Specialized Exhibition “Polyurethanex” was successfully finished clearly demonstrating the approach of the main purpose, which was primordial forwarded by the Organizing Committee to carry out the event enable the exhibitors to establish new business contacts and partners relations, the event which could help to develop the polyurethane branch and to broadly use the applied polyurethane technologies in the different branches of industry.
For the first time this brand international event was held in Moscow from the 25th till 27th of February, 2009 at the International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo” (Moscow, Russia). It was organized by the Exhibition Company “Mir-Expo”.
The general directions of the exhibition reflect the following subjects: Raw Materials for Polyurethane Manufacturing; Polyurethane Producing and Processing Technologies; Foamex based Thermo Insulation; Polyurethane Use in Machine-Building, Motor-Car Construction, Railway Transport (including Car Manufacture), Aircraft Transport, Pipe-Line Transport, Electrical Engineering, Consume Goods Manufacturing, Light Industry, Medicine, Furniture Trade, Chemical Industry, Building Industry, Mining Industry, Metallurgy.
We should mention the significant interest expressed by the foreign specialists, who took part in the exhibition as the exhibitors and visitors.
The total amount of the exhibitors was about 18 organizations including 10 foreign companies from USA, Italy, Germany and China. There were among them the following companies: Hennecke GmbH, Evonik, R.M.P.A. Srl Unipersonale, Albemarle Europe, Industrial group “Automotive Systems”, Chordip Ltd, China North Chemical Industry Corp., “Kronos SPb”, Production cooperative “Polymer-Complex”, Chongqing Polycomp International Corp., Solvay Fluor, Scientific-manufacturing Company “Polyprene”, etc.
To the opinion of the specialists the exhibition was resulted in such a way successfully exceeding all the expectations. It highlights the increasing of the requirements of the Russian market as regards the use of the modern innovation polyurethane technologies in the field of building and housing and communal services, machine building, shipbuilding, the air cosmic branch, electronics and in many others. To approach the goals of the main annual brand event in Russia the exhibition is called to become the important marketing, practical-research and analytical prerequisite for all of its participants.
The International practical-research seminar “Modern State and Prospects of Development of Production and Use of Polyurethane Materials in Russia” was run in the framework of the exhibition, the reports being provided by the specialists of “Evonik-Degussa” GmbH.
The Organizing Committee has obtained the favorable as a whole reviews concerning the exhibition. The great majority of the exhibitors have announced their intention to take part in the next Second International specialized exhibition “Polyurethanex - 2010”. It is planned to be held on February 24-26, 2010 at the International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo”, Moscow, Russia.
Polyurethanex - 2009 Exhibitor List:
- Albemarle Europe sprl / Chordip Ltd., Belgium, Russia
- Automotive Systems, Industrial group, Nizhny Novgorod, Russsia
- China North Chemical Industries Corp., China
- Chongqing Polycomp International Corp (CPIC), China
- Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH, Germany
- Hennecke GmbH, Germany, Russia
- Jiangsu Fullmark Chemicals Co., Ltd, China
- Kronos SPb, Saint Peterburg, Russia
- Permskiy Porokhovoy Zavod, Perm, Russia
- Polymer-complex, Production cooperative, Moscow, Russia
- Polyprene, Scientific-manufacturing company, Samara, Russia
- Polyurethane Tehnologies, magazine, Moscow, Russia
- R.M.P.A. Srl Unipersonale, Moscow, Russia
- Solvay Fluor GmbH, Germany
- Surel, OOO, Saint-Peterburg, Russia
- Suzhou Xiangyuan Special Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd., China
- Zhejiang Sanmei Chemical Ind. Co. , Ltd, China
- Dr. Gupta Verlag (Publishing house), Germany
- Editorial board – “Penopolyuretan” magazine, nonprofit partnership, Moscow, Russia
- Eurasian Chemical Market - International Business Magazine, Simferopol, Ukraine
- FAPU, Germany
Business program:
The “Modern State and Prospects of Development of Polyurethane Materials Production and Use in Russia” practical-research conference was held in the frame of the exhibition.
Polyurethanex - 2009 photos: