Ravago Chemicals Rus CJSC, Moscow, Russia
8th International Exhibition Polyurethanex - 2016 Exhibitor
February 17 - 19, 2016 / Halls 1 and 2, Pavilion 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
CJSC "Construction Ravago Rus" works in the Russian market of building materials since 1998 and has established itself as a reliable supplier of high-quality materials for industrial, civil and road construction. CJSC "Construction Ravago Rus" is a subsidiary of the Ravago Group with headquarters in Arendonk, Belgium.
For many years, our company is a strategic partner in Russia and CIS distributor of Firestone (USA), TenCate Geosynthetics (Austria), Dow Chemical Company (USA), Grace Construction Products (USA).
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